Choosing & Buying Provisions The Convenient Way!
HACCP certified
Quality Assured
Real Time Tracking
Contact us and one of our specialists will help you.
A Few Clicks & The Job Is Done
It doesn’t stop there…
- Receive on time notifications on schedules and deliveries right from your desk.
- Reduce purchasing cycle times by more than 30%
- Decrease the administrative workload and free up a buyer’s time by 20% ~ 25 %
- Embrace competitive advantage enabled with innovative tools to streamline your operational processes
Need help finding a provider?
We manage a rapidly growing network of providers spanning services, supplies and training. We only invite the best providers to join our network that have a proven track record in delivering services to the maritime industry.
Services Network
A reef of recognised and experienced professionals on hand to provide their guidance and expertise.
Supplier Network
Quality assured suppliers wherever you are heading. Convenient and cost-effective
Training & Network
International community of training facilities and educators providing courses on demand
Happy Crew - Happy Voyage
Stronger together
Supply of high quality and nutritious food is not only important for the mental and physical upkeep of the onboard crew, but also falls under regulatory framework. Vessconn only invites suppliers with the highest quality assurance and are HACCP certified.
Staying fit and healthy on board, scored 6.73 out of 10 in the happiness rankings (as per recent survey conducted by missions to seafarers).
Keep Informed
The Vessconn Maritime newsletter keeps you informed about news, information and current trends within the Maritime industry.
Our newsletter also covers articles focused on:
- Reducing maritime servicing costs
- Reducing lead time
- Reducing risks (planning, security, …)
- Improving Education & Training
and much more…